Sunday, March 13, 2022


           WHAT'S GOING ON, OMAHA!

                                                  WELCOME BACK!

I have a few minutes before I go in to work, but I wanted to stop by and write a quick post to share something with you.


Today I choose me. Actually, from the beginning of the year I have chosen me - and although it's been a painful decision, I know it's for the best and it is for my own mental health.

  ** I look at the time and there is no way I'm going to finish this post in three minutes. I'll have to finish later today **


This is what I'm talking about - I wasn't able to finish this post on Friday. I am 48hrs behind and all because I have to work...for somebody else...because I haven't done much for myself. 

* gay sigh *

But I am here, and no changes were made to this post. This is what I need to do to continue on the path to achieve the dream I have - to become a writer.
I know this post will not turn me into a published author, but I have to start somewhere, expressing myself and sharing what my crazy head rattles every day. I have to let the voices in my head out somehow and this is one way to practice and get used to feedback, good and bad. I have to get used to the fact that not many people (if anyone at all) will read my writing, and it will start with this blog. I don't expect lots of traffic and that's OK. I am doing this for myself, as I said it before, and if it happens to pick up, even better! I just have to be patient. My time is yet to come. 

In the midst of war overseas and cancel culture online, there is really not much I can turn to for distraction, as many others around, I am sure. Now I understand why some people don't log on to Facebook often... well, I kind of have an idea. In my case, I'm just mentally drained after work and all I want is to go home and lie down with my dogs.
(I mean, I will still spend time with my dogs. I just gotta do more than that in my life).

Today is Day 72, the beginning of Week 11 of the Year. Changes MUST HAPPEN.

- I will lose weight. My birthday is coming up and I do not want to be stressing as I have always done because 'NOTHING FITS ME!' and I huff and I puff and I cry looking at my muffin top. Yet, I do nothing about it. My ideal weight is whatever it is I weigh in the picture to the left. I love that Lady Gaga sweater and I wore it only once. That's sad! Then again, y'all know I've dealt with an eating disorder since I was thirteen so even back when I took that picture, I was still disgusted by the sight of my reflection.
I am taking advantage of my privilege having health insurance so I am working on these issues. I felt like a storm in a rampage, but I've come a long way and I am now just a relaxing rain - rainbows in my horizon. 

And I plan to keep it that way. I am ALMOST there!

#2 - I will write a short book and self-publish if I have to (which I know I am surely going to do, if I want to get this done by the end of the year).
I have an idea of which story to 'debut' first and how to fund it so all I gotta do is WRITE THE FREAKING BOOK! 

The rest is simple -

            Be consistent with my Podcast Show.                      Interact with more cool people like Liberum Caritate

      Make random memories with long-time friends.                        -- And as always,

[ ...Relax. Take it Easy. ] 

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